Laki Senanayake

A painter, landscape artist, architect, sculptor, innovator, and master craftsman, are the array of titles that trail after the name Laki Senanayake


Mintaka Senanayake - Foreword

Welcome to the digital sanctuary celebrating the life, artistry, and enduring legacy of the incomparable Laki Senanayake. As you navigate through these virtual halls, you will encounter the vivid tapestry of his imagination, woven with the threads of nature's boundless beauty and the rich natural and architectural heritage of Sri Lanka.

Laki Senanayake is not merely an artist; a storyteller who whispers tales of harmony between humanity and the natural world. His canvases are portals to enchanted realms where flora and fauna dance in the sublime
symphony, inviting us to ponder our interconnectedness with all life forms.

Through his unparalleled mastery of colour and form, Laki captures the essence of Sri Lanka's lush landscapes and unique wildlife. Each stroke of his brush is imbued with reverence for the environment, urging us to embrace our role as stewards of the Earth.

This website serves as a digital repository, preserving Laki's oeuvre for generations to come. It is a tribute to his dedication to conservation, his unwavering commitment to artistic excellence, and his profound love for nature.

Join us on this journey of discovery and enlightenment, as we delve into the wondrous world of Laki Senanayake, where art and nature intertwine in timeless harmony.

Welcome, dear visitor, to the realm of Laki Senanayake.

Mintaka & Brandon

Mintaka Senanayake, and her son Brandon, have opened the family archives to preserve her father's legacy, and to continue the extensive charitable works that he supported during his lifetime
